It starts with a text or phone call. Dinner, movies, comedy show, bong fire on the beach with your favorite alcoholic beverage as good music plays in the background. The weather permits it. It could be an all day thing with boo, babe, or whatever cute name to spend QT. Either way, it’s always has a good ending at the end of the night. Especially if its done right. He has to be genuine, loving, willing and anxious. And in that order. Without thinking twice, he has you on his mind when he wants to do something special for his lady. Genuine. Two hours before going out, you began to get ready. Picking the outfit, right makeup, lipstick, lotion if legs will be out, perfume, and of course shoes. Something sexy but comfortable. At dinner, he's attentive. Flirting with you and he already has you. Complimenting you on the smell of choice, how your eye shadow matches perfectly with your skin tone, your smile, the way your back is arched in the heels you carefully picked and of the course the dress that gets attention. Loving. Good conversation, laughs, reminiscing, future plans and work are the topics. You sip your wine and him his cocktail. Gazing into his eyes, you have one question: Why me? How handsome he looks in his suit and you’re thinking about the aftermath of reaching home to the setup you prepared. More wine, massage oil, candles, white rose petals leading from the front door to the bedroom, bathroom, on the bed and the waterfall waiting between your legs that's ready to fall. She's been marinating for him. Your one and only who can do what he does to create the flow. Only thing on your mind is tearing his ass up when yall get home! His lips in all the right and wrong places, his strong hands giving you a tingle when he caresses the top of your booty and gently pulls your hair. He's thinking the same. Of course, he's a man. The sexy walk you have in heels and the sway your body creates. No panty lines so either you have g-string or none at all. The less, the better. The way your skin feels when it touches his and knowing what to do with your hands and when. You know how to please him and make him feel good. You get pleasure out of it. Willing. Closing out the night, it seems forever getting back to the car. You say your hellos and goodbyes to people you may know briefly. You then began going over the music you may dance too in the heels a couple of inches taller than what you have on. Should they be black, nude, red or straight stripper? Decisions, decisions. You already laid out the lace cut-out everywhere snap on the shoulders one piece from Fredericks of Hollywood on the bed. Very sexy might I add and he will love it. High French cut on Miss Miss, g-string that exaggerates the curve of the booty and see through to get him harder than a brick. Two candles in the bedroom that gives the right amount of lighting and the relaxing mango smell that lingers in the air that takes your mind off where you actually are at the moment. Chair in the middle of the floor for ample room to dance around and grind when necessary. The last thing you will do to conclude the night know. The new bubble bath you just purchased from The Body Shop smells of melon and cucumber. Your plan after the massage you have planned in another bedroom for even more relaxation and a better turn on. While giving him his massage, the water will run to get things ready for you guys to soak and sip. This is where he will remain for a few until you change and set the music for your dance. You’re comfortable in your skin and he brings that out of you. Him knowing you have something up your sleeve on the way home makes him horney. He remembers the last time at the random but beautiful hotel, after a day at the beach with friends, with the martini glass jacuzzi and city night-life view from the 15th floor. Those were the only lights used that night. Anxious. Being the gentlemen he is, he opens your door while holding your hand and escorts you in the home you two share. Pretty sure you know the ending;)
"She's been through more hell than you'll ever know. But that's what gives her beauty an edge... You can't touch a woman who can wear pain like the grandest of diamonds around her neck."- Alfa
Friday, August 28, 2015
Sunday, August 16, 2015
*California Dreaming*
Just existing and doing for others and not self at some point is the life of many. They have sick parents, grandparents, children, or too afraid to try something different. Outside the norm even. You figure where your family is, is where your supposed to be because it’s home. Well home can be anywhere your heart desires honestly. So with that said, I’m California dreaming!
Yes, it seems typical but I’m not going to be an actress, singer, or whatever, just something different and having family out there is also not a bad thing. My aunt has been out there since the 80’s so I’m quite sure anything I need to know, she has all the info. I ran into a girlfriend of mine awhile back and she felt the same way. It’s crazy because we’re both broken up, want something different and where the the weather isn’t bad and both applying for management roles at our jobs where we can transfer...why not? We have no major responsibilities and can go wherever we want, whenever. At least this is a start. A friend of mine asked “why all the way over there?” or “what is out there that you can’t get here?” I don’t know but I’m willing to find out at this point, Philadelphia is a drag and I need new scenery...asap. I will miss my family and friends but hopeful about my future there and people I will meet along the way. Starting over and it’s going to feel good! The best part about it is I love the beach! And if you know anything about California, beaches are never at a minimum. So where we shall live…
The weather is amazing year round! I hate the winter so why deal with it? I dread it every time it comes close to October. Thinking about the snow, ice, and freezing rain. In the cities listed above, the annual temperatures are between 46* and 88*...not bad. Of course they’ve had their colder weather in the past reaching 30* and hotter weather reaching 100* but that’s normal for Philadelphia in the winter during the day or colder. No biggie. I Am more nervous about brush fires, earthquakes, tornadoes (maybe) and mudslides I’ve heard about. From people I’ve talked to here, I’ve heard “well what about the crime and all the bad things that happen there?” Well what about the crime that happens everywhere in every city and country around the world? It’s going to happen regardless of where you live! You get over it and continue to live life, period. I feel that’s one of the excuses of many. Worried about all the wrong things and not what’s going to be good about the situation. Time for me to live and not just exist. Do what I want and live where I want without thinking things will go awry. Just prayer (asking for guidance, strength), support from family and friends and confidence will get me through. Anyway I’m staying positive and keeping God first throughout all of this. When we leave and on the road, I will post pictures of our journey there and even after;) Hopefully you will enjoy them and feel free to comment! Until then, to more writing!!
Thursday, August 13, 2015
You wake up in the morning to get ready for work. A little yawn, stretch and patter on the face to get yourself going. It’s dawn and the sun is peeking through clouds colored in light orange, blues and grey. The city skyline right below. You feel good, thankful. Funny because you’ve never been a morning person! Your home is beautiful and shows the success story you have created for yourself, family and bank account. Floor to ceiling windows, long flowy drapes that accent the color and decor, nicely finished wood flooring, marble this, stone that and about 3,200 square feet of what you worked to the bone for. You remember having your “stagnant” period in life. Where you felt at a stand still, nothing was going your way, and often wondered what God was up to for you and your life. There is his and hers in the garage and every little gadget your heart desires because you’ve earned it. Every now and then you think back to working for people you didn’t like or that didn’t like you, jobs that didn’t pay well and living pay-check to pay-check just to get by. Barely having money for gas, the bus, transit running when it wanted and people being funny with their vehicles. Hey, they had a right to I guess. You think on being around the corner from the papi store, chinese or hoagie spot and could get a water ice from the truck when he came around. Hearing Mr. Softee a block away and boys riding dirt bikes to have something to do or show off.
Snapping out of it to let your dogs outside to use the bathroom before you shower and you remember your first apartment. It had a back yard but was shared between your building and the next one over. Barely any privacy when wanting to get some air but it was what it was and you dealt with it. You didn’t have a dog at the time but wanted one. When you finally got one, he still didn’t have a backyard but he was taken on long walks and to parks to get air and play. Now you have all the space in the world for them to run around all day if they wanted. The roommate you shared a space with was the “you don’t know somebody until you live with them” kind of thing. Triflin. She had a problem with amnesia and instead of paying rent on time, she would rather go on shopping trips with a dude that would lay up in our apartment all day while we work? All a memory now.
The times when you worked 2 jobs are in the past. Getting home between 11 & 11:30 pm and have to get right back up at 6am to do the second job and repeat. Not to mention doing so while I was a student! Tiring. Now, you have one job and trips and vacations are the norm throughout the year. You feel you don’t work because it’s something you LOVE and it comes natural and easy to you. Getting up in the morning is so peaceful and you’re actually more relaxed than you’ve ever been. Unless you stayed up toooo late but who hasn’t done that.
You have a great support system behind you starting with the snoring body still in bed. Hey at least somebody is getting some sleep. He’s been there for you even when you were down and still figuring things out. Even times when you couldn’t buy dinner for the two of you to eat that night. Times were rough, frustrating and hard but he never gave up on you knowing you were trying and doing your best to make ends meet. He got frustrated pulling the weight but understood how you felt dealing with it all as he’s had financial struggles of his own and barely getting by. He’s the absolute best man to have!! You began getting teary eyed thinking about it. He could have left and been with someone who was well off and wasn’t struggling or left you high and dry without a care in the world about your well being. He stayed and if you struggled, yall struggled together and made things happen. That’s love and loyalty. So of course on your wedding day, you cried like a baby and was just grateful for this person God has blessed you with and will continue too. He’s now successful in his own right and no matter what makes you a priority. Vice versa. Even his momma has to wait her turn for time on occasion lol but she respects and understands the bond you two have. Boundaries are never crossed.
You then realize what time it is! After you’ve let the dogs in, gave them food and water, had your coffee or tea, showered and kissed your man until later on, on the sleepy lips...time to start the day!
To prosperity, love and dreams coming true.
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What Happens In This House, Stays in This House
“What goes on in this house, stays in this house” Growing up, no matter what your ethnicity or religious background is, at some point you h...
You wake up bright and early in the morning. And you may not be a morning person, especially since you have only gotten about 4 hours of sl...
I slowly realized this is the era for second jobs and low pay! You can be part time and get laid off! So many of us want to live this comf...