You go to work, get the job done. You don’t nor should you have to deal with drama, attitudes or other employees minding your business about what you speak to your manager about! Yes, that part. I’m currently working for a bank, not a good one but money is money and a paycheck is needed. I’m currently working on other things outside of work because working for someone else for too much longer might get me a case. Anywho, I like to get along with people and learned from experience not to speak with the employee concerning a work related issue you have. Management is always better. Why? To keep the bullshit to a minimum, be professional and keep petty at bay. No matter how they feel about it! They don’t own or run the place so me speaking to a manager/boss to me is showing I’m not for it, in my opinion. It cuts out the middleman, the he say, she say and keeps things professional.
So last week, now I got over it at this point because she’s miserable, a coworker tried it. Twice. I get paid for travel time to and from so I leave earlier than the other two girls. I’m called a floater and any other floater that would be there, would leave early as well. She’s one of those employees that feel since she has children, nobody else’s time outside of work matters but her’s. Sorry but that was your decision to have children sweety and you have to work 40 hours unless you put otherwise on your application like the rest of those who do not have children! That’s just common sense but clearly it’s never that common. I’m not in the business of explaining myself to “employees” or co-workers so nothing was said. My silence was everything in my opinion and in so many ways my face as well. Anyway, she felt some kind of way about me leaving earlier than them and felt she needed to address this with the branch manager….who by the way is NOT my manager, just that branches manager. The float team has their own management that we go to and she knows this. Again, common sense. What she fails to realize is, that’s her home branch and I don’t have one….I’m there to help and help out only so if I don’t stay all day….it’s justifiable and again none of her business.
The issue is why is that any of your concern when you’re a teller just like me, don’t have another name besides teller like myself and the manager wants to get rid of you? If anything, due to them being one employee down on maternity leave, be grateful that the company is actually sending someone there to help when there could only be two tellers instead of three. I’m just saying. Before that, the second thing that was done was her calling herself checking me!....who, bitch? I walked away due to not wanting to argue and just being professional. Now many would say that’s a punk move, I would have checked that hoe, etc but as you get older you realize people’s actions have nothing to do with you and it’s your reaction that is everything. So I kept it pushing and let her be great lol. Why indulge in someone else’s clear unhappiness about their life? It was all over me turning on the air for a bit when it’s cold outside….but it was 88 degrees back there behind the teller line. Felt real Carribean! Anybody that has ever worked in banking knows it gets hot behind the glass when you have counter to ceiling plexiglass. She acted as if nobody else was working back there with her and she was at home. She was on lunch break, came back and immediately started with the dumb shit and the way she said it was a tad disrespectful. I ignored it and cut the air off when I felt like it of course. It got way too hot again so I shut down my station and walked off. She came off wrong and stated she wasn’t ready to help the next customer and I can’t just walk away like that until I make sure she was ready etc. Like who the fuck was she? The next customer would just have to wait but I don’t deal with heat too well so it was either walk off or the situation goes left and very unprofessional. By that time, the door closed and I walked to the back to breathe. Mind you, this heffa is planning her wedding….why so mad boo? Makes me wonder if everything at home is okay like she leading on to be. It could be the job also but not too many people like their jobs at all but you just keep moving on until you find what you’re looking for. Now in my mind, that’s somebody that wants to control you or feel they have more pull than they actually do. Have several, please and thank you.
A most recent incident is her just being absolutely smart for no reason. I sit all the way at the end of the line towards the wall by the ATM next to her goofy ass. So knowing I have to walk by, she leaves her chair sitting out in the walkway, if I have a work related question concerning an account, I get ignored (lol) or it’s the simple huffing and puffing she does for no reason when I’m in a good mood speaking with a customer about life. She’ll play videos all loud on her phone with customers in the lobby or walk off and take phone calls, etc. The list goes on! BUT, to keep it cute, I don’t say one word to the child cause clearly she has some things to work out. I simply told my manager and I won’t be returning to this location once I leave. Mind you this girl is like 33 going on 15 with 3 kids… Age ain’t nothing but a number.
I wrote this and told this long story about petty betty (lol) to make a point about “women” in the workplace. Especially when it’s your OWN race in the workplace. You figured there should be more respect because we are one in the same first and foremost and that’s a WOMAN in a professional environment. We are already looked down on as not being smarter than men, get paid less sometimes and aren’t looked at as good leaders and managers due to getting “emotionally involved” and not being simply logical. Stop the dumb shit, simply do your job and go home to your families. Simple. There’s no need in being friends, talking about personal at home situations, being unprofessional due to a chip on your shoulder, being petty, gossip, and worrying about the next. We can be cordial, we can lift one another up, motivate one another to do better as women and congratulate when a goal is accomplished! Whether it’s a simple calm down on the chocolate goal or finally wrapping up that business account you’ve worked so hard for and looking forward to that bonus. We don’t do enough of that and in the new year, need to make this our everyday goal. It use to kill me to feel obligated in playing another female who came off the wrong way towards me for no reason. Now, when around this person, I smile and be happy. Fuck em. What they eat don’t make me shit and that’s their PERSONAL problem that they must pray about and find the solution too. Now that’s the true definition of New Year, New Work Professional ME!
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